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The Knowing

Writer's picture: ErinErin

Let me start this whole post with the disclaimer that I am not a kundalini yoga teacher. So this is all just my opinion and thoughts. It might all be wrong.

When it comes to the idea of karma, the common misconception is that you do good things and good things happen to you. That is an extreme over simplification. I am not an expert by any means, but I believe that life is the curriculum to help us move forward. We use the things that happen around us to move forward. We have the opportunity to grow and learn constantly. When you make the decision to start this growth you can't turn away. You start to notice the same things showing up. You don't want to be angry, sad and frustrated. We crave contentment. Ease. So we start to notice our reactions to to things and change our thoughts, let go of resistance to emotions, we practice living from a place of awareness. This is how we grow.

The mantra I have chosen for this month is:

Om Namo Guru Dev Namo

I bow to the divine guru inside me (loosely translated).

If you have been to a kundalini yoga class this is the mantra that they chant at the beginning. Here is what it has come to mean for me.

Inside me there is a knowing of what is right for me, what I hold true. When I am in a place where I can honour that and not listen to what others say, I feel calm and confiedent my my actions and thoughts. When I compared myself to others, and start to listen to other's options I question myself and doubt my choices. So the first meaning of the mantra to me is a reminder to remain in my seat of awareness and trust my own knowing, without comparing myself to others. It reminds me to trust what I know is right for me. It moves me back to compassion and understanding rather than having to correct someone else so that their opinion and thoughts align with mine. My journey is mine. They are on their own path.

The second thing this mantra reminds me is that I need to trust the process. The curriculum is running I just need to be open to the lessons. To notice the lesson showing up sooner and choose my best response rather than reacting. Choosing to move from my soul rather than my ego. This is the big one. Lessons tend to show up with something that I would rather not be feeling. This mantra remings to be pause, and remember everything is working. It reminds me that the lessons can come from anyone I meet, any experience that is happening, any feeling that shakes me. They are all gifts. Take a breath. Sit back. Be grateful. Which is easier said than done.

I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

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